12 Things To Know What Makes A Great Airbnb Host

With the tremendous growth of Airbnb listings in recent years, an Airbnb host should stand above the rest to offer the best experience to clients. A well-served client will likely return or recommend the facility. You don’t have to spend much, but clients require just a friendly gesture and minor concerns.

  1. Creates clear directions

Having a smooth start to an Airbnb stay can alleviate stress and frustration for your guests. If a stay starts badly, it cannot be easy to regain your guests’ trust. Tell your guests how to reach your facility from the bus stops.

  1. Keep a smiley face

An excellent host should smile, greet, offer to carry clients’ belongings, and generally be nice to guests. Facial impressions say a lot when handling clients. If you look dull, the guests may even fear asking you for guidance. This means they will not rate you well, won’t recommend the facility, or even show up again.

  1. Creates individualized experiences

To succeed as an Airbnb host, think of a different experience for your guests. You can include nearby features, outdoor sports, or museums in the listing. Your property will gain more attention than those who only list the facilities’ details.

  1. Respond in time

Read one of our blogs: How to Deal with A Bad Review on Airbnb?

Delays in response time can increase the chances of guests booking elsewhere. A good host should have a prepared response to avoid keeping clients waiting, which will not create a good experience.

  1. Eye for details

What makes a good Airbnb host is an eye for detail, such as:

  • They should ensure the whole house is clean, including the rooms, kitchen, and bathrooms.
  • A host should stock the place with necessities; movies, books, or board games.
  • Keep the house clutter-free.
  • Ensure the fridge is empty and the kitchen stocked with the food essentials.
  • Decorate the place with holiday décor

  1. Efficient communicator

Communication is key in the Airbnb business. A host needs to keep the guests informed even before arriving. They should have a clear check-in and check-out time. A host should have rules and regulations written or communicated to guests.

  1. Offer services beyond expectations

Whether you provide fresh coffee every morning, give out a gym membership to your guests or invite them for a glass of wine, just go an extra mile. If a client requests something that wasn’t listed, you can purchase the item and enjoy using it with future guests.

  1. Sets cost-effective price

Many guests prefer Airbnb because it is cheaper than staying in a hotel. Higher pricing may hinder guests, while too low prices may raise eyebrows at the nature of the property. In addition, a reasonable listing price increases the likelihood of guests leaving positive reviews.

  1. Considerate of neighbors

Airbnb guests come and go, but the neighbors will stick around. The neighbors will have to deal with excessive noise or mess, and they vent their frustrations on you once the troublesome guests have left. Be considerate of your neighbors, make your guests aware of rules like quiet hours, and be selective of your visitors.

🔔 Your neighbors are keeping an eye on you.
Neighbors are the best people to keep an eye on your property when you aren’t there because they live right next to you.
Neighbors learn your habits subconsciously and can detect when something isn’t quite right. There is security in numbers.

  1. Encourage feedback

As an Airbnb host, encourage your guests to leave reviews. Reviews allow you to provide honest feedback, thus supporting the Airbnb community. Also, encourage your guests to review you. Reviews are vital as many guests, especially those new to Airbnb, are wary of booking properties with few or no reviews.

💡 Positive and negative feedback, both positive and negative, is extremely beneficial. Feedback is important information that will be used to make critical decisions.

  1. Honesty

Clients appreciate honesty. It’s discouraging to visit a facility only to find a different appearance other than the one on the listing. If your house has challenges or eccentricities, inform the guests about what they are getting into. For instance, if the house is shared with other guests or the home has several stairs, among other issues.

  1. Complies with local laws

A good Airbnb host should adhere to the local laws, have renter’s insurance and check other restrictions that may apply. Not complying with the law makes it difficult to make a profit on your property because you will only attract lower-quality guests.

💡 Another way on what makes a good Airbnb host is having an insurance policy. Without coverage, the insurance will not compensate you in case of property damage.

Lastly, an Airbnb isn’t a hotel, and if guests want a hotel experience, they could have booked one. So, when clients book an Airbnb, they’re looking for a better experience. Your goal as an Airbnb host is to create a memorable experience that will make guests rate you positively and possibly return one day.

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