My Airbnb Guest Made a Mess – What Should I Do?

My airbnb guest made a mess

It’s an Airbnb host’s nightmare — you stop by the property after a guest checks out, only to discover a huge mess. Whether you’re dealing with an extra-long cleaning process or actual property damage, it’s important to proceed carefully. By handling the situation appropriately, you can increase your chances of compensation.

My airbnb guest made a mess; How should I respond

When you discover that an Airbnb guest left a mess, you’ll need to decide how to proceed. If the situation is bad but not catastrophic, it’s usually best to clean it up and move on. Many Airbnb hosts also recommend writing a negative review that’s honest and professional.

When the mess requires special cleaning, or when the guest caused damage, here’s how to proceed:

Photograph the mess

Before you do anything else, document the mess. Take photos of the area, making sure to get a combination of close-up and wide-angle shots. You can also take a video to show the scope of the problem, particularly if it extends through multiple rooms.

While you’re at it, check every room for property damage. Make a note of the location, and take additional photos as proof.

Deep-clean the Airbnb

Read the related blog: Spring Deep Cleaning Checklist: The Ultimate Guide For Airbnb Hosts

Once you’ve taken photos and videos, it’s time to start cleaning. Start by removing the worst of the debris; then, deep-clean the Airbnb. This process will probably take longer than your usual turnover cleaning — if a guest left a mess in one room, they probably disregarded your rules in the rest of the house, as well.

Do you have a day or so before your next booking? Consider bringing in an Airbnb cleaning service. Experienced cleaners can work quickly to restore your property to its former glory; they’ll also have the skills and tools to remove stains and unpleasant odors. Make sure to keep the invoice; you’ll need it when filing a claim with Airbnb.

Get estimates for repairs

If you find damage during the inspection or cleaning process, it’s important to get estimates for the necessary repairs. Bring in a professional to create an estimate or price out the items you’ll need to replace. Airbnb will request this information if you file a claim.

In this situation, you have two options:

  1. Pay for the repairs or replacements out of pocket, keep the receipts, and submit a claim later
  2. Get an estimate, submit a claim, and wait for a response from Airbnb

💡When you have an upcoming booking, things can get complicated. After all, there’s no guarantee that Airbnb will reimburse you for the damage.

How to file a claim with Airbnb

When a guest leaves a mess in your Airbnb, it can be tempting to send an angry message. A better option is to go through the Airbnb resolution process; that way, there’s a paper trail backing up your claim.

After your guest checks out, you have 14 days to file a claim. Visit the Airbnb Resolution Center, and open an AirCover request. Upload your photos, invoices, receipts, and estimates when prompted. Make sure the dates are visible.

At this point, Airbnb will get in touch with your guest. They have 72 hours to reply and reimburse you for the extra costs. Keep in mind that the guest may refuse or ignore the request. If that happens, Airbnb will give you the opportunity to talk to the support team — they will help you complete an AirCover claim.

AirCover is Airbnb’s hosting insurance. Every time you host with Airbnb, you’re automatically covered for free. This policy offers up to $1 million in coverage for damage. According to Airbnb, you’re protected from:

  • Extra cleaning costs incurred because of a guest’s behavior
  • Damage to your property or items in the property
  • Lost revenue from canceled bookings due to guest damage

If you need to escalate to an AirCover claim, expect to provide proof of:

  • Your ownership
  • Liens and mortgages on the property
  • Any other insurance policies you have
  • Changes to your property and its usage since it was listed on Airbnb

Keep in mind that the AirCover protection comes with a long list of exclusions; it’s a good idea to read the fine print before you make a claim. Airbnb states that hosts are reimbursed in an average of 9 days

If you’re searching, “my Airbnb guest made a mess,” you’re not alone — bad guests happen to every Airbnb host. By documenting the situation and following Airbnb’s claims process carefully, you have a good chance of getting reimbursed for the extra costs you incur. For help cleaning up an Airbnb guest’s mess, call us at Express Home Maids.

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