How To Find A Cleaning Service For Your Airbnb

Most short-term rental owners prefer hiring a cleaning crew instead of doing the cleaning themselves. But the first step is finding a good cleaning company. One of the things that Airbnb guests are very particular about is cleanliness. A dirty unit can easily ruin the entire guest’s experience. To avoid that, you will need professional Airbnb cleaning services from a good company. Here are some tips on how to find a cleaning service for your Airbnb.

💡 Many hosts also use the concept of cleaning fee to their advantage. They raise the price of the cleaning fee which discourages those individuals who are looking to stay for shorter periods. This is a good thing as the profit margin on shorter stays is considerably smaller as compared to long ones. 

What to look for

Finding a cleaning service for your Airbnb does not have to be exhausting. Start by noting down the things to look for, as mentioned below.


The right cleaning services have experienced cleaners. This should be at the top of your list. For instance, ask how many turnovers the cleaners have done since they started. If your unit has special projects such as window cleaning or cleaning outdoor spaces, ensure the cleaners have experience with this as well. For some peace of mind, ask about three references and know what other customers are saying.

Good communication skills

Good communication is more than a cleaner simply answering or responding to your calls and messages. It also entails:

  • Confirming every appointment
  • Reporting any damage or potential damage to property
  • The ability to adjust to schedule changes when necessary

You can find a scheduling tool online that streamlines communication between you and the cleaners. It is also important to select tech-savvy cleaners using apps and web-based tools. This saves time and ensures a streamlined communication process, assigning tasks, scheduling, and payment processing.


Knowing you can count on a cleaner to show up when needed is very important. That is the reason you will also need someone that is good at time management. This gives you time to focus on other matters like growing the business, instead of worrying about whether a cleaner will show up on time. There are certain sites and apps that function as marketplaces for cleaners. You can check them out. Once you find a cleaner you trust, start building an ongoing relationship.


Read the related blog: Everything You Need to Know About Airbnb Cleaning Services

Another factor to look for is the cost. Already, there are many costs that come with owning an Airbnb. As a host, you will be looking for affordability. Different cleaners offer different charges. Before choosing a cleaner, factor in the income you are making from the property, including your cleaning fee.

What to avoid

Here are the two main things you need to avoid:

  • Choosing the lowest option: Cheaper is not always better. Quality is what matters
  • Franchise cleaning businesses: They are costly and often on tight schedules, which may not work for you.

What makes a great Airbnb cleaning service

There are certain things that make a cleaning service outstanding. They include:

Good time management

Time management is essential when turning over an Airbnb unit. It is important that the space is cleaned within the allocated time to avoid inconveniences. If you also have a cleaning checklist you want to be followed, make that clear.

💡How important is time management in cleaning?
Housekeeping takes time, especially if you want your house to be (and stay) spotless.
However, time is often the most difficult aspect for people. You have responsibilities, families, and friends, all of which take time.

Reputation management

A clean unit means great reviews and vice versa. A good cleaner understands the importance of a clean Airbnb and how this affects your reputation. With such a cleaner, you will have confidence that the job will be done well.

Damage reporting

Your cleaning service team should report back to you on any issues that have arisen after a guest’s stay, such as damage. Request photograph documentation from cleaners so that you can follow up with the guest and the Airbnb team.

Meeting guest’s expectations and demands

One of the perks of working with professional cleaners is that they can meet and exceed a guest’s expectations. With the services of professionals like Express Home maids, you will not have to worry about whether a good job will be done. Professional cleaners ensure the rental remains clean and can even meet any special cleaning requests you may have.

How to find an Airbnb cleaning service

Here are popular ways of finding a cleaning service for your Airbnb.

  • Cold calling: Find several cleaners online and call those you find appealing, then narrow down the list depending on things like cost, availability, etc.
  • Online advertising: Effective but also costly
  • Cleaners marketplace: Use an app that connects you to thousands of cleaners. You can choose a professional cleaner in your area in a matter of minutes.

💡Finding a cleaning service for your Airbnb is one of the most important duties you have as a host. Follow the guide above, and you will end up with a great cleaner. Check us out at Express Home Maids!


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