Blanket Smell After Washing

Blanket Smell After Washing

Do you ever want your guest to whiff your blanket and think, “Ugh, why does it smell?”

A blanket that multiple guests have used can often develop a musty smell, regardless of how often it is washed. This can be a major turn-off for guests, and it can also cause them to question the cleanliness of the entire property.

The blanket’s smell after washing is something that fills us all with a sense of comfort and happiness. Many Airbnb hosts pridefully provide their guests with a clean and comfortable space. 

This is actually a common issue for Airbnb hosts, one that can leave even the most seasoned launderers feeling puzzled and frustrated. But don’t fret; there are things that Airbnb hosts can do to combat this problem!

Why Does Blanket Smell Bad after Washing and Drying

There are several potential culprits for blankets smelling after washing and drying.

  1. Bacteria

One of the most common causes of a musty blanket’s smell after washing is bacteria. Bacteria thrive in moist environments and can easily grow on blankets that have not been properly dried.

💡 If you notice a musty smell after washing your blankets, it is important to dry them completely as soon as possible to prevent the growth of bacteria.

  1. Not using the right detergent 

If you’re using a detergent that’s not meant for blankets, it could be the cause of the blanket’s smell after washing. Blankets are typically made of materials like wool or cotton, which require a special detergent to avoid damage.

💡 Using regular laundry detergent on blankets can cause them to smell bad and may even shorten their lifespan.

  1. Not using enough detergent

Another common mistake is not using enough detergent when washing blankets. This can cause dirt and grime to build up on the blanket, which can lead to a musty smell.

💡 Be sure to use the recommended amount of detergent for your load size to avoid this issue.

  1. Not pre-treating stains

If you don’t pre-treat stains before washing blankets, they may not come out completely in the wash. This can leave behind a faint smell that will only get worse over time.

💡Be sure to pre-treat any stains on your blankets before washing them in order to avoid this issue.

  1. Not drying blankets completely

If you don’t dry your blankets completely after washing them, mold and mildew can start to grow. This can cause an unpleasant smell that will only get worse over time.

💡 Be sure to dry your blankets completely after washing them in order to prevent this from happening.

How Do I Stop Blankets from Smelling

As an Airbnb host, one of the last things you want is for your guests to be greeted by a musty smell when they arrive. Unfortunately, blankets are often the culprit when it comes to lingering odors.

The good news is that there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure your blankets are fresh and welcoming for every guest.

  • Check the care label

The first step is to check the care label on your blanket. The care label will tell you what fabric your blanket is made from and what kind of detergent and drying cycle you should use.

Be sure to follow the care label instructions carefully to avoid damaging your blanket.

  • Pre-treat any stains

If your blanket has any stains, be sure to pre-treat before washing them. You can pre-treat stains by applying a small amount of laundry detergent directly to the stain and Rubbing it in with a damp cloth. Let the detergent sit on the stain for a few minutes before washing it as usual.

  • Use the right detergent

When washing your blanket, be sure to use a gentle laundry detergent that is designed for delicate fabrics. Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach, as these can damage your blanket and cause it to smell even worse.

  • Hang your blanket to dry

After washing, hang your blanket outside or in a well-ventilated room to dry. Avoid putting your blanket in the dryer, as this can cause it to shrink or become misshapen.

If possible, hang your blanket in the sun, as the ultraviolet rays will help to kill any bacteria that may be causing the odor.

  • Store your blanket properly

Once your blanket is completely dry, be sure to store it in a clean, dry place. Avoid storing your blanket in a humid environment, as this can cause it to mildew or develop musty odors.

How Often Should You Wash Your Blankets

As an Airbnb host, you want to provide your guests with a clean and comfortable space. That includes making sure the beds are freshly made with clean sheets and blankets. But how often should you wash those blankets?

It’s a good idea to have multiple sets of sheets and blankets so you can rotate them out and always have fresh ones on hand. How often you wash them will depend on how often they’re used.

If you have a lot of turnover and the blankets are being used frequently, you’ll need to wash them more often. In general, though, it’s best to wash them at least once a week.

Considerations to Keep in Determining How Often You Should Wash Blankets

  • The type of blanket

One of the primary considerations in determining how often to wash blankets is the type of blanket. For example, wool blankets should be washed less frequently than cotton blankets as they are more resistant to dirt and staining.

Additionally, synthetic blankets should be washed more frequently than natural fiber blankets as they are more likely to retain body oils and sweat.

  • The use of the blanket

Another consideration in determining how often to wash blankets is the use of the blanket. If a blanket is only used for decoration, it will not need to be washed as often as a blanket that is used daily.

However, if a blanket is used frequently, it will need to be washed more often to remove dirt, dust, and other debris.

  • The weight of the blanket

The weight of the blanket is also a consideration in determining how often it should be washed. 

Heavier blankets made from materials such as wool or down will need to be washed less frequently than lighter blankets made from materials such as cotton or polyester. This is because heavier blankets are less likely to collect dirt and dust and are less likely to retain body oils and sweat.

  • The season

The season is another factor to consider when determining how often to wash blankets. For example, blankets used during the winter months may not need to be washed as often as those used during the summer months.

This is because people tend to sweat more during the summer months, which can cause blankets to become dirtier more quickly.

  • Personal preferences

Personal preferences should also be taken into account when determining how often to wash blankets. Some people may prefer to wash their blankets once a week, while others may only wash them once every two weeks or even once a month.

It is important to find a frequency that works for you and that you are comfortable with in order to maintain clean and fresh-smelling blankets.

Express Home Maids will handle your blankets with the highest level of care and attention. Leave the dirty work to us and enjoy clean, fresh-smelling blankets all year round.

Contact us to schedule your blanket washing today for your clients.


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