How To Make Your Airbnb Stand Out

No matter the platform you are using to list your vacation rental, the important thing is to do it right. The guide below takes you through how to make your Airbnb stand out to get the attention of your target audience.

How to title your listing

You are limited to 50 characters for your title. Take advantage of this and be as detailed as possible when coming up with a title. For instance, instead of using a title like ‘Honolulu Mansion’, use something catchy like ‘Spacious Mansion in the Heart of Honolulu’. As you can tell, the latter is a better title. It highlights that the mansion is spacious and the location is convenient. This increases the chances of a guest clicking on your listing.

Besides the content, consider the formatting of your title as well. According to the Airbnb website, use capital letters for your title to make the listing more professional. For instance, instead of saying ‘beachfront cottage’, use ‘Beachfront Cottage’. A title is the first thing the guest sees. Make it attention-grabbing.

Creating targeted descriptions

Be as specific or detailed as possible to ensure that guests have a clear understanding of the type of property they are booking. False expectations will lead to bad reviews. Ensure your description is easy to read and understand. Preferably, opt for shorter sections instead of lengthy paragraphs. Make use of the amenities section and list what you have to offer. This is where most guests will pay attention, so maximize it.

💡As you write the description, think of your target audience. Is your space ideal for a solo traveler or a family? A beachgoer or a hiker? Understand your audience and base your description on that. For instance, if you are targeting families, mention a park nearby.

Things to include

Start off by writing a short summary. It should highlight the unique elements of your Airbnb to keep the guests engaged. For instance, if your unit is located 10 minutes from the train station, mention this. Here are some of the examples that most hosts like using in terms of proximity:

  • Proximity to tourist destinations like museums, lakes, parks
  • Distance from the airport, train station, etc.
  • Unique amenities such as remote working or outdoor space

🔔 In addition, include the neighborhood details such as distance to a coffee shop, grocery store, etc. Lastly, be clear about the house rules. If guests are not allowed to party or host an event, state that clearly. The more detailed you are, the better. It will ensure there are no misunderstandings or conflicts between you and the guests. Avoid adding unnecessary information as this can make your description lengthy and discourage the guest from reading everything.

Highlight your property with quality photos

When posting pictures of your property, think of your target audience. Include the unique features of your home to attract the guest’s attention. Here are the qualities of a good photo:

  • Each photo should have a focal point
  • A thoughtful and simple background
  • A well-lit photo that highlights the space
  • Filter/ Editing is the same in all photos

Do not forget to choose a unique cover photo. Put yourself in the guests’ shoes. What images would you find helpful? This can guide you in selecting the appropriate images.

Get good reviews

Good reviews help guests choose your property. So work on getting them. The first step to getting good reviews is ensuring your space is clean. Work with professional Airbnb cleaners to keep your property clean. Besides that, communicating with your guests will keep them satisfied. Do not create a false portrayal of your home, as that will lead to bad reviews. Also, if an item is not offered in the unit, do not include it in the description.

🔔 Read the related blog: How to Deal with A Bad Review on Airbnb?

Secondly, encourage your guests to share their experiences by leaving reviews. Airbnb gives both guests and hosts a 14-days window after checkout to write reviews. Remind them to give feedback before that time elapses. You can also send them a quick reminder via email a couple of days after they have checked out. The more good reviews you have, the more likely other guests will choose your space. Remember to respond to guests’ reviews, whether negative or positive. That extra mile shows you are a concerned host.

Now that you know how to make your Airbnb stand out, follow along with these tips. They will help you get more guests and improve your ratings.


This offer is for first time customers only.