Things No One Will Tell You About Being A Super Host on Airbnb

Short-term rentals can bring in some good income, which is why most people find being hosts enticing. Airbnb is the most popular platform people use to rent out their spaces to guests. Unfortunately, there have also been some horror stories from hosts, such as stolen or property vandalized. But despite that, the platform continues to be popular, with more people having positive things to say. If you choose to be an Airbnb host, you should strive to become a super host.

What is a super host on Airbnb

A super host provides top-notch services to the guests and is considered an experienced host. Anyone who meets this criterion is awarded a super host badge by Airbnb. Every few months, Airbnb will assess your performance and check whether you are dedicated to providing outstanding services. If you have maintained your exemplary track record, you get to retain your super host badge.

Things that make you a super host

Here is the criteria used to determine whether one is a super host.

  • Host a minimum of 10 guests within a period of 12 months
  • Avoid cancellations or keep them at 1%
  • 90% response rate
  • 8 overall ratings from guests

💡💡💡Extras guests appreciate:

✅ Extra toilet paper, linens, and towels.
✅Basic toiletries like shampoo and conditioner
✅Dish soap and cleaning supplies

How to become a superhost

Here are a few ideas on how to become a super host on Airbnb.

  1. Clean rentals

Related blog: Professional Airbnb Cleaning: How to Make An Instant

When starting, a lot of hosts focus on equipping their rental spaces with the best furniture, appliances, gadgets, and other supplies. What some forget is that the space is for renting out. To get better ratings, ensure that your space is clean. If possible, partner with Airbnb cleaners to do the cleaning for you every time a guest is about to check in.

  1. Take nice photos

Photos are what sells your space. Even if you invest in the best appliances and furniture, if they do not look great because of photo quality, you will lose out. Most hosts use their phones to take photos. At times, that will not be enough. It is better to invest in professional photography to capture as many details as possible. A professional photographer will know how to make your space look bigger, brighter, and better and hide any flaws.

  1. Offer free stuff

Offering guests free stuff is a great way to add good reviews, which can help you become a super host. Guest love a thoughtful host. Apart from the usual guidelines set by Airbnb, you can go that extra mile and show your guests you care about them by offering freebies. Stock up the fridge with some fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, milk, beer, etc. Not only will you be saving their time on shopping, but they will feel appreciated. In fact, they are likely to award you with good reviews.

🔔🔔🔔It is not required to provide food for your guests. Some hosts prefer to clean out the fridge so that the guests enter and Airbnb that feels fresh and new.

Turn unfair reviews to your advantage

At times, no matter how good of a host you are or how accurate your listing is, there are some guests that will not be happy with something. Unfortunately, they will vent out their frustration in the reviews. For instance, if you have explicitly marked your rental as lacking internet access, you should not suffer simply because someone chose to complain about not having Wi-Fi. The good thing is that Airbnb allows a host to respond to some of these claims and clear things up. Be active in responding to such complaints, as that can earn you more bookings despite a few negative reviews. When responding to reviews, try and be professional. Apologize where the need is, and reassure the guest that the issue has been rectified.

Ignore the automatic pricing feature

Airbnb has an auto-pricing feature depending on the current market rate, other rentals in the area, and peak seasons. But considering that Airbnb aims to get more bookings through the app, it might lower a host’s profit margin. That is why you should try and change the rates manually. However, do not set the price too high as that can turn away some guests.

Being a super host on Airbnb requires some effort on your part. When you do that, you will enjoy some benefits like increased visibility and earnings.

Does Airbnb use dynamic pricing? 🤔🤔🤔
🔔This is where an Airbnb dynamic pricing tool comes into play. A dynamic pricing tool does this research for you. It changes your prices automatically so you can rest assured that your pricing is competitive all the time and your listing doesn’t fall behind.


This offer is for first time customers only.