Why I Started My Airbnb Cleaning Service: The Ins and Outs

Starting a business may feel daunting, and this also applies to an Airbnb cleaning service. Maybe the fear of dealing with a large mess, the uncertainty of getting clients, or the general discomfort of starting a business is holding you back. However, before you talk yourself out of doing this, why not give it a chance.

Running an Airbnb cleaning service comes with a lot of learning. You will learn about the art of cleaning the short-term rental industry and more about yourself. You get to know about seasonality and periods where you will be in demand because many people are traveling and how Airbnb cleaning fees work.

“You don’t build a business, you build people, then people build the business.” -Zig Ziglar

Can you make money cleaning Airbnb

Yes, you can. In fact, a lot of people have been getting into the vacation rental cleaning business because it comes with good benefits as long as you offer excellent service. The amount you make will vary depending on the services you are offering. Some of the standard services that cleaners offer include:

  • Sprucing up the rental space
  • Washing dishes
  • Changing linen
  • Clearing out the fridge and cupboards

Other things to consider when setting a fee include:

  • Time taken to clean the rental
  • Whether you use your own cleaning supplies or the host provides
  • How big the space is

How much does an Airbnb cleaner make

As much as the amount one makes varies, here is a simple breakdown of the average cost :

National average

The average price for cleaning a one-bedroom is about 50 dollars. However, the more the bedrooms, the higher the cleaning fee. So, for a two-bedroom, the cleaning fee can be about 70 dollars, and for a three-bedroom, about 92 dollars.

Highest and lowest costs

The location of Airbnb also matters when it comes to cleaning fees. For a one-bedroom, the states that charge the highest include Hawaii at $76.70, New Jersey at $69.36, and Nevada at $68.64. The states with a low charging fee include Georgia at $40.24, Kentucky at $40.40, and New Mexico at $41.74. Depending on your location, if you are running an Airbnb cleaning company, try not to stray far away from the national average.

How do I get started cleaning Airbnb

Since Airbnb does not accept applications from cleaners, you will have to approach the hosts themselves. The host is the one that organizes the people handling the cleaning. Therefore, focus on them when marketing your services.

How to offer cleaning services

Start by checking out the hosts in your area, then market to them. It would be best if you are unique and aggressive to stand out among your cleaning competitors. Here are some compelling points you should include in the proposal you are sending to the hosts:

  • Streamlined process
  • Reliable results
  • Professional execution
  • Available for emergency booking
  • An automated cleaning schedule

Cleanliness plays a role in a guest’s experience at an Airbnb. The quality and frequency of cleaning services will affect the ratings of a space, which determines whether an Airbnb business will succeed or fail. So the cleaner the house, the higher the revenue. When approaching hosts, this is the message you need to convey. Assure them they will receive quality services. Also, tell them that their success is your joy for cleaners since a higher occupancy rate translates to more jobs for the cleaners.

How to start cleaning for Airbnb

You can either choose to be an independent cleaner or join a cleaning franchise that is already known. The most important thing is that you deliver on what you have promised to clients. Follow Airbnb’s enhanced cleaning process to ensure you are providing quality services. Whether you are cleaning on your own or you have hired other people, here are the five steps to follow.

  • Prepare
  • Clean
  • Sanitize
  • Check
  • Reset

Airbnb cleaning is different from your usual cleaning. You may think you know everything about cleaning till you start an Airbnb cleaning business. You will learn new cleaning techniques, how to work smartly, and the process becomes easier with time.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell

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