How to Clean Quickly and Efficiently With Ease

Cleaning is a huge part of any rental and making sure that you have the best tips for cleaning quickly can make a big difference. We all want to be able to get our cleaning done and get it taken care of and these tips are going to do just that. Knowing how to quickly and efficiently clean your rental can make a big difference in the overall cleaning process.

Start Laundry First

When cleaning a rental property that is fully furnished there is going to be laundry. This is things like towels, sheets and washcloths and rags. Laundry takes a long time to get done and while you are getting those sheets and towels sparkling white, you can get other things done and still be doing the laundry. When you first get to the rental, you should gather the laundry and put on a load while you work on other parts of the home.

Gather Your Supplies Before Hand

Another great tip is to get your cleaning items together before you start to work. Making sure you have your things in order, and you have the items that you need on hand can make a big difference in how quickly you can get things cleaned and can get on with the rest of the job. Easy cleaning items like Swiffer, Lysol wipes, and other easy cleaners are going to be a great help and are going to make your job so much easier.

Focus on Harder Jobs First

If you have a home that has been rented out for a period of time, it is always going to be easier to focus on harder rooms first. The bathrooms and the kitchen are likely to be the messiest rooms in a rental. This means that these are the rooms that you should focus on. Getting a great kitchen cleaner that is going to break down grime can also help make your job easier. Empty the trash, wipe down surfaces and hit those tough areas that are going to be a challenge first so that you can make sure that they get done and that you are not going to run out of time. This also gives you a chance to let things soak if there are particularly grimy surfaces.

Wipe Down Surfaces and Appliances

If you are cleaning a home that is going to be rented again and again, wiping down appliances is a great way to make them look great and to keep them in good shape. Wiping down surfaces and appliances is also a great way to get rid of germs and make sure that the area is sanitary for your next renters. Taking the time to do this finishing touch also helps to ensure that the rental looks clean and that is clean and ready for the next person that you are going to rent to.

Find What Works for You and Stay Organized

Still another fantastic way to ensure that you stay on track and get things done is to take the time to stay focused and to create a list of what you need to get done. A checklist is a great thing to help keep you on track and to help you keep track of what you have done around the house. This is also a fantastic way to budget your time so that you can see what needs to be done and you can take the time to figure out what you are doing.

  • Make sure everything has a designated place
  • Pick up and tidy as you go
  • Get rid of clutter and unnecessary items
  • Utilize storage space efficiently

Taking the time to just figure out what works best for you is going to make a big difference overall. If you prefer to work slowly, if you prefer to work on specific areas first and so on. Taking the time to work the way that you want and the way that is going to help you get the most done can certainly make a difference.

Clean but only a little. Make sure you clean anything that’s easy before your house cleaner arrives. For example, wash your dirty dishes and put them away. A tower of dirty dishes can make it difficult for your house cleaner to clean the sink. Consequently, it will ruin the finished look of the kitchen.


For Airbnb and Vacation Rental Cleaning Services, you can call (877) 397-6243 or book your sevice today here!


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