How To Get Your Airbnb Listing To The Top

If you are an Airbnb host, there is a possibility that you may have gotten one or two bad reviews. Sometimes, those reviews are so bad that you can spend hours or even days antagonizing about them. After all, negative reviews can ruin your future bookings. At times, maybe you are even wrongly accused. A guest will complain about how your listing is far from the city, yet you made that clear when describing it. If it is the first bad review, eventually, you get over it and forget about it. A couple of months later, you get another bad review. A guest complains that there is no air conditioner, the double bed cannot accommodate two people, or there are no restaurants within walking distance. And just like the first time, you get frustrated with such comments. At times you describe your listing in detail, but because some guests do not read, they end up being displeased by their stay. So, how to get your Airbnb listing to the top is a crucial consideration to make. Here are some ideas.

Complete every section

Get your potential guests excited about your space by giving out all the details. Here are some ideas to help.

  • Use high-quality photos: The first thing that will attract the guest’s attention is quality photos. Do your best to take great pictures.
  • Write a catchy description: A catchy description will entice a potential guest to read till the end. Make the title and description fun and informative. Outline clearly the amenities you have to offer and what makes your space unique.
  • Keep updating your listing: To ensure you are providing accurate information, always update your listing on things like house rules, expectations, amenities offered, etc.

Use reviews to improve

Mistakes happen. Maybe your cleaner did not do a thorough job, or you forgot to restock something. When you get negative reviews from your guests, take that as an opportunity to make things right. You will have an improved guest experience, and that is one way to get better reviews. Once your ratings get better, your listing is likely to also go to the top.

🔔 Reviews act as endorsements that your business, product, or service is great, and the overall customer journey satisfied your previous customers

Make booking easier

Responding to a guest on time shows you are attentive and welcoming. No guest wants to wait a whole day or two before getting a response. In fact, go the extra mile and offer your guest convenience through instant booking. Being able to book immediately can promote a guest’s confidence in you.

Be competitive with pricing

When you set your price to reflect the fluctuating demand, it means it will keep changing through the month and the year. You can try custom pricing as that allows your listing to stay competitive.

How does the algorithm work 🤔?
🔔When a host turns the algorithm on, it adjusts the property’s nightly rate– based on factors like characteristics of the property, season, price of neighbouring properties, and other factors that influence the demand of the property.

Get tips for the off-season

You can still get guests even during the off-season when only a few people are traveling. Here are some helpful tips to use:

  • Relax some of your house rules
  • Add the word discount to your title
  • Use SEO to your advantage
  • Use your space for events
  • Remove the extra personal charge

🔔 Use gated WiFi during on-season to market during off season

Using the secret code word method

Another way to ensure that guests read your Airbnb listing is by using a secret code word. Some hosts have found a creative way to make guests read the listing description. They will place a certain word at the end of the listing and ask guests to provide it when sending a booking request. It is a way to get your Airbnb listing to the top. Choose a word that speaks to you. It can be happy, comfy, cozy, or whatever you want. You can choose to place the code on top of your listing, where you have written the rules, or in the section for guests’ requirements. Here is an example of how you can use the secret word:

Write something like this: ‘Please read the entire listing, then provide the secret code when booking. You will find the code in the listing.’

This helps ensure that the guest has read all the instructions, and there will be no miscommunication or conflict.

And there you have it. If you have been asking yourself how to get your Airbnb listing to the top without too much hassle, follow the tips mentioned above.


This offer is for first time customers only.