How to Get Your Airbnb Ready for the Summer

The summer is a busy period for Airbnb hosts, with the travelers gearing up for their travel escapades as the days get longer, opening up more time for outdoor activities. Luckily, this comes at the perfect time as more states ease their travel restrictions, providing a promising future for hosting families. But even with the clear skies ahead, getting your Airbnb ready for your guests will require you to put in extra effort to ensure optimal success rates. Below, we cover some practices that will help you achieve this.

Intensify your cleaning measures

While cleaning has often been a priority for Airbnb, intensified measures will especially be crucial due to frequent health and safety measures changes. Airbnb lists some essential cleaning measures that hosts can abide by, with the required steps being:

  • Preparation of your property. This will encompass ventilation of spaces, with hosts advised to use suitable cleaning and disinfecting agents.
  • This will involve sweeping, vacuuming, and washing laundry and contact surfaces.
  • This step will help you get rid of bacteria and dirt on high-touch surfaces.
  • Checking that all areas are cleaned with the above steps in mind.
  • Reset and replace all items in readiness for your guests.

After you have taken care of the above cleaning measures, your guests also need to be kept in the loop of any enhanced cleaning measures you employ. You can opt to include this in your pre-booking guidelines, allowing them to stay in the know of any ongoing precautions. Additionally, you can also use proper signage on your property, with images being ideal for ensuring that your guests have peace of mind during their stay.

Get your communication channels ready

Communication will be a crucial part of your Airbnb for summer listing, allowing you to benefit from an efficient hosting experience. With this in mind, ensure that your booking details are ready with your rental and relevant contact information written down accurately. Your guests need to know that they can get in touch with you during emergencies and during their stay, helping you build confidence in your clients. Check-in and check-out details should also be written down correctly, allowing your guests to prepare adequately.

A host introduction, arrival and departure information, a list of amenities, appliance information, and crucial contact information are all common features in house manuals. They’re particularly useful to visitors because no one knows your home and destination better than you, the host!

Utilize welcome notes

Nothing speaks more of hospitality than a welcome note. Guests will be drawn to Airbnb for summer properties that go out of their way to make their stay extra special. Consider using this gesture to show your appreciation for your guests. You can customize these with their names and any information that they might find particularly helpful. An example could be a note regarding rules and regulations that you want your guests to abide by.

Include tips and recommendations

Helpful tips and recommendations will also go a long way in making your guests’ visit worthwhile. Make it a point to put together a brief list of valuable suggestions. These can be local restaurants, bars, and hang-out spots. Niche businesses will also come in handy, with examples being areas that specialize in unique cuisines.

In addition to this, list any restrictions that your guests may encounter due to upcoming holidays, changes in weather, or other ongoing events. This could be a game-changer for your guests, allowing them to plan their travel and shopping needs accordingly.

Prepare for guest reviews

Guest reviews can often be nerve-wracking, with numerous hosts choosing to do away with this option. Encouraging your guests to give feedback will allow you to improve on areas you may be lagging in, with the long-term result helping you get your Airbnb for summer up and running.

For this, consider leaving a notebook in a visible part of your living area, with a note encouraging your guests to rate and comment on their stay. You can also recommend online reviews on your booking platforms, helping other guests have a brief peek into what to expect. Positive reviews could also help you improve your rankings, allowing you to get more guests for your summer rental.

What percentage of Airbnb guests leave reviews?

According to Airbnb, about 70% of guests leave reviews. One unhappy guest can hurt your revenue for months.

Provide complimentary COVID safety kits

Even as the world continually opens its doors to more travel, health and safety protocols will still be vital for your Airbnb. Due to this, state and federal laws require hosting parties to abide by suitable health protocols, with complimentary kits being added benefits for Airbnb guests.

A few products to consider stocking on your property include masks, tissues, sanitizer, and wipes. This will allow any wary guests to feel safe within your Airbnb, making it a stress-free renting experience.

How do I make my Airbnb cozy?

Help guests feel welcome by providing space for their belongings.
Add thoughtful touches that delight guests, like flowers and extra phone chargers.
Add extra towels, toilet paper, and treats like coffee, tea, or snacks.

Check out ideas on how to create a fun kid-friendly Airbnb here!


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