Marketing Your Airbnb: 5 Secrets to Attract More Guests to Your Listing

Airbnb has provided a lot of property owners with an opportunity to earn a second income. In fact, the business has been so profitable to some that they choose to leave their day jobs and focus on hosting. However, running a successful Airbnb is more than just posting beautiful images of your property and changing linens. To attract guests, hosts need to market their listings. With some bit of marketing, hosts can expose their properties to wider audiences than before. The guide below explains how people can market their Airbnbs by leveraging nearby restaurants. The good thing is that you do not need to have years of experience working in the marketing industry to successfully run a rental property. Use the tips below to get more people interested in your property.

It’s up to you, as the host, to decide if you can accommodate any extra people. If guests show up with extra people, you have the right to turn them away.

Create a list of nearby restaurants

Most vacation rental owners have learned how to increase revenue through this. Simply make your listing appealing by mentioning the luxurious amenities nearby. While you may not have the money to build an outdoor BBQ area or install a hot tub, creating a list of nearby restaurants will not cost you anything. Guests appreciate recommendations, whether it is attractions, restaurants, or any other unique opportunities that can make their experience more enjoyable.

Some guests thrive on pre-planning their holidays, while others go with the flow and rely on recommendations once they get to their destinations. No matter the type of guests staying in your Airbnb, they will appreciate recommendations to restaurants, diners, bars, coffee shops, etc. They will not have to wonder what is the nearest place to enjoy a good meal.

Promoting nearby restaurants in your listing gives you an advantage over the nearby properties. You can even go over and beyond and inform guests that they can text you in case they want a personalized list of recommendations. Maybe some are vegetarians, and others are looking for a good fast food joint.

How do I show only restaurants on Google Maps?

But you can customize maps in only a few taps to only show restaurants that meet specific criteria on the map. To customize your culinary Google Maps experience, you have to tap your profile icon inside the app, then go to Settings, Exploring places, then Food & drink preferences.

Highlight special discounts and unique dining features

Besides creating a list for your guests, go a step further and visit the restaurants you want to suggest in your listing. A conversation with the manager or restaurant owner can lead to a beneficial partnership. Some of the things you can ask include:

  • Can they provide printed menus for you to include in the welcome package?
  • Can they offer a coupon code or physical coupon exclusive to your guests? (complimentary dessert for every meal purchased)
  • Can the restaurant give any other special offering to guests, such as a prix fixe menu

Travelers are looking for many things when booking a space, including culinary adventures. This is your opportunity to highlight the unique dining places in your Airbnb.

How to Differentiate Your Restaurant and Stand Out From the Crowd

Food is one of the primary ways restaurants differentiate themselves, so an analysis of your current menu may be needed. Discovering the “stars” (high-selling, high-profit items) and “dogs” (low-selling, low-profit items) on your menu can shine a light on what your customers really think of your food.

Come up with a cross-promotional strategy

The point above has covered how the restaurants near you can help secure some discounts for your guests. But how will your marketing ideas promote the restaurant? There are certain days of the week that are usually slower than others. Suggest how your partnership can benefit the restaurant, especially on slow days. This is your opportunity to get creative. Most restaurants will not mind a partnership as long as they benefit as well.

Connect restaurants to more travelers

Guests will eat at places that align with their purpose for traveling. Ask yourself why people book your listing. Visitors can choose to stay at a place because there is a popular attraction nearby. If guests are choosing your rental unit because it is located near the beach, there is a high chance that they will eat in the restaurants near the beach. When making restaurant recommendations, keep this in mind. Travelers are likely to check out the restaurants you add to your listing. They will want to get a better picture of what to expect from their vacation if they choose your space.

Leverage restaurants when marketing your Airbnb

Some prior research will go a long way in helping you market your property. Checking whether local eateries can offer discounts to your guests and determining the best way to work together will ultimately promote your business. Your guests will be grateful for the effortless dining experience you have provided. This will allow them to enjoy their vacation and, in the long run, increase annual bookings. This strategy can help you come up with other marketing tactics that you can use to partner with other businesses.If you play it smart, marketing your Airbnb will not cost you anything. You will enjoy partnerships with local businesses while increasing your annual occupancy rate.

How do I make my listing more competitive?

Go all in on the description: Make your title and description fun, detailed, and informative. Explain the amenities, shared spaces, and what makes your space unique. Upload high-quality photos: Your photos are a guest’s first impression of your space on the search results page.
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