Tips for Handling Damages on Your Vacation Rental

Unfortunately, some things, including vacation rental property damage, can happen. However, having a strategic plan for handling such situations can prevent time wastage, save you some cash, and prevent future frustrations. It is usually a common experience for many rental owners to have some of their properties damaged by their guests. Sometimes, this may be due to accidents, and most guests are usually honest about such situations. How you handle the damage can significantly affect your guests’ experience at your premises.

What happens if Airbnb guest damages property?

Guests will only be charged if the Host requests reimbursement for property damage and the guest agrees to pay, or if the Host makes a request to collect on their security deposit and the request gets approved by Airbnb.

  1. Document your policies

Various vacation rental sites have different rules regarding vacation rental property damage. The sites also indicate how they can help if your guest fails to cooperate. Ensure you understand the sites’ procedures and policies, since you may have to work with them when necessary.

However, you should try to resolve the matter with the guest first. You can achieve this by writing down your property damage policy for your guests. This enables them to handle the issue appropriately from the start instead of guessing where to start.

Lastly, you should also be precise about what to expect from your visitors during their stay. For instance, if you have a nice white carpet that you would like to remain clean, politely instruct your guests to remove their shoes when entering your premises.

  1. Document the damage

Since you may fail to discover the damage sometimes, ensure your cleaner notifies you immediately if they discover any. It is also essential to document it using photos. This prevents creating any disagreement or arguments with your guests. Although some people are good enough to notify you immediately, they cause vacation rental property damage; some may try to hide it. In other cases, when a child causes some damage, the person responsible may not even be aware.

You should request your cleaner to do some inspection after guests check out before they begin their duties. This allows you to address the damage immediately. Some of the benefits of documenting the damage include:

  • Prevents unnecessary arguments
  • The issue is addressed immediately
  • Your rentals remain in a good state

  1. Be fair

Sometimes, you may encounter some nightmare guests who may leave a mess on your premises. Since some may cause trouble from the start, you may want them to cater for the damage. However, consider thinking twice, since you need positive and good reviews. The best thing is to be fair and honest about what you need to be compensated for. Some of the tips for handling such situations include:

  • Avoid overcharging an item
  • Be calm and understanding
  • Take note of the wear and tear of some items

  1. Evaluate if the damage is worth pursuing your guests

Suppose the wear and tear of your bathroom rug were so high and you needed to replace it anyway. In this case, avoid pursuing your guests. Ensure that the item you are being compensated for is, since pursuing your guests for some things can be unfair. Besides, you can also consider talking to your guest about the case to develop an amicable solution. You may fail to pursue your guest for damages if:

  • The damage is so insignificant
  • The Item required replacement
  • The item’s value is too low

Moreover, your vacation rental cleaner should also update you about the condition of various things since they can easily be noticed. One of the ways they can achieve this is by taking photos.

Can you sue Airbnb guest for damages?

In California, you can sue Airbnb for a maximum of $10,000 if you are an individual. If you are a business suing Airbnb, you can sue for a maximum of $5,000. Note, if you are a sole proprietor, you count as an individual.
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  1. Ensure your communication remains amicable

Suppose your guest failed to tell you that they threw up all over the beautiful, new comforter that had just been placed on the bed. In such a case, be calm when communicating with the guest. Always avoid rude or curt accusations. When you address any damage, use a friendly dialogue. This can significantly affect the way of handling the damage. Furthermore, nobody would love time wastage.

For instance, if your guest stains the comforter and needs replacement, just let them know. As said above, if your cleaner has such photos, there is usually no room for confusion regarding compensation. Besides, your main aim should also ensure that your guests enjoy a good experience on your premises.

The Host Damage Protection is a guarantee of the primary obligations of the Responsible Guest to pay you, as a Host, to repair or replace your Covered Property damaged or destroyed as a result of a Covered Loss, and is contingent on such obligation.

Once in a while, an accident may occur in your vacation rental. Managing such situations is essential for maintaining good ratings and ensuring your guests have a better experience.

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