Attaining Airbnb Health Standards as a Cleaner: Tips You Can Apply

It’s common for Airbnb cleaners and workers to overlook health standards when cleaning the rooms because of the expected flawless cleaning to accommodate guests. It is easier to forget Airbnb health standards and may cause serious complications. Your body works best when it’s fit —ensure to take good care of it. Here are some tips to ensure that your mental and physical health is monitored as you work.

What to do before work begins

What you do before you start your work affects your daily work output. Cleaning is manual work that requires a significant amount of energy to help you manage. Look at some of the critical activities you can do as you prepare for work.

  1. Get adequate sleep

Before you go to work, whether you are on dayshift or nightshift, ensure you sleep for seven to eight hours. Just like your phone needs its charger, you also need a rest to help you begin fresh for the next shift. If you charge your phone for 10 minutes or less, do you expect it to run the whole day, even with a good battery? Likewise, if you sleep less, you can’t do your job effectively. Also, you may end up sleeping during working hours or get some sleeping disorders in the long run. So, ensure you have enough sleep before work.

  1. Have healthy eating habits

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why? You have slept for at least seven hours, and your stomach is empty. Breakfast is the first meal when your energy level is at its lowest. Have enough energy-giving foods and some proteins to keep your body in check. Add some fruits and cereals to ensure you have a balanced diet for the day. Remember that your stomach has a high acidic level. Refusing to eat adequately may erode your stomach lining and cause gut complications.

💡 One of the benefits of healthy eating habits is it lowers risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.

  1. Using breaks effectively

Airbnb cleaners have a significant amount of work almost all day. It is wise to have a ten-minute rest every 2 hours. Resting will recharge your body and keep your mind off work for some time. Rest is crucial in handling fatigue, refreshing, and putting a smile on your face. Some activities you can do during your break include

💡 The best time to take a break is in the middle of the day. Rather than rushing through the morning. Work and then reward yourself with a leisurely lunch or afternoon constitutional; consider taking a break from that draft or contract before lunch to re-energize, concentrate, and motivate yourself.

  1. Have your tech break

Why not use your phone as an entertainment channel? Your ten or thirty minutes is a lot of time. You can use some of the time to watch funny clips and have a look at the world. Tear yourself from your cleaning environment for a while and get some insight into other things in life. Check out your friends on social media and what they are up to. However, ensure that your phone does Mot waste all your free time.

  1. Stretch your body

Stretches will help you remove fatigue after a long day at work. You can also do some during your breaks. During manual labor, your back, legs, and shoulders suffer a big deal, and do some stretches for proper Airbnb health standards. If you have no idea where to begin, have a look at some simple stretching techniques you can start with:

Lower back stretches

The cat/cow position

  • Kneel with your hips directly above the knees, and put your hands on the floor
  • Slightly bend the elbows as you move the chest downwards.
  • Push your head upwards and your hips so much that your back stretches inwards
  • Exhale slowly with your chin on your chest as you push your backbone upwards.

Upper back stretches

The extended child’s pose

  • Let your body stay in fours
  • Push your hips to and from the ground
  • Slowly put your forehead on the ground as you push your arms and shoulders backward.

Hip and leg stretch

Read one of our blogs: Airbnb Cleaners Should Pay Attention to Detail
  • Lay flat on your back
  • Put your right knee on the left thigh such that your right hip stretches outwards.
  • Slowly pull your left thigh towards your chest using your hands.

💡 Stretching can increase muscle blood flow.

Your cleaning job is as important as any other job. Do not allow bad eating habits, inadequate sleep, and fatigue to disrupt you as you work. Take a properly balanced diet, sleep well, and exercise regularly to maintain your Airbnb health standards. Ensure to have a tech break away from work and connect to the world. Always recharge yourself with positive energy at the start and as you continue with your job. Remember that a healthy cleaner is a happy cleaner.

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