The Best Ways to Achieve an Instagrammable Airbnb

If you rent out your property to people on vacation, otherwise known as running an Airbnb, you may want to make it as appealing as possible. Today’s world runs mostly through technology and the Internet. Social media has mainly been an effective marketing tool for many businesses. Therefore, it is high time to take advantage of such platforms to ensure more people know about your property. It becomes critical to understand some of the best ways you can leverage to ensure you achieve an Instagrammable Airbnb, as explained below.

  1. Make it clean

People want to post their vacation destinations on their Instagram profiles, but they can do that if the place is not clean. If the place is well-arranged and not cluttered, visitors will not be shy about posting it on their social media accounts. Fortunately, professional property cleaning services are available everywhere, including your location. Nonetheless, you should consider a few factors when hiring such companies to make an Instagrammable Airbnb for you. These factors include professionalism, experience, rate, and reputation

What is the point of a cleaning fee for Airbnb?

A cleaning fee is a one-off charge for cleaning the space you stay in and is set by the Host. It’s an extra amount on top of the nightly rate when you book a listing. This fee covers the extra expenses Hosts incur when getting their place ready for guests to arrive or after they leave.
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  1. Consider renovating the property

The people who rent your Airbnb for their vacation will take pictures of different parts of the property. That is why it is recommendable to ensure every part is in the best condition possible. One of the grave mistakes made by vacation rental owners is assuming that people will come as long as the property is there.

Nonetheless, the visitors who will come to your Airbnb want to spend time in a well-made and safe place. This becomes critical if the building has been there for quite a while. Such a structure is not only in bad shape, but it can also be a safety risk for anyone who might stay there. Additionally, visitors will not take pictures of the place if it is not in good condition. You should focus on property renovations if you want to achieve an Instagrammable Airbnb.

What is the difference between a renovation and a remodel?

It is important to know the difference between a remodel and a renovation before embarking on any project. Remember: Renovate means to make something new, and remodel means to undergo a structural change.
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  1. Decorate the house

Instagram has become a sensational platform where people visit to look at beautiful pictures, images, and even videos. Therefore, the more attractive you make your Airbnb, the more marketable it will be. Luckily, you can never exhaust your options to beautify the place. Start with the compound by embracing proper landscaping.

You can plant some flowers and make sure the lawn is well mowed. The number of professional landscapers available today is pretty high. The competition in that sector means most of them have convenient charges that will not squeeze your budget. Add some lighting on the outside to give the house a bright appearance during the night. Work on the yard to make it comfy and appealing, considering that the tenants may want to have a night out during their stay. Besides the exterior, ensure you work on the interior, too.

Contract an interior designer to help you with such a project. You might have to pay a handsome amount for such services, but you will realize their worth in the short and long run. Instagrammers want an aesthetically appealing place. Therefore, beautifying your premise is one of the critical tips to getting an Instagrammable Airbnb. There is a wide variety when choosing the best and unique designs to decorate the building. You just have to understand your budget, taste, and preferences.

  1. Consider professional photography

If you own an Airbnb property, you probably have a website and social media profiles for it. These are platforms where you can share content about the property, including videos, articles, and pictures. Professional photographers can help you achieve that, considering that most have outstanding skills and updated tools for the job.

When you share pictures online, you make it easy for the interested parties to download and share on Instagram. That is an excellent step in creating an Instagrammable Airbnb without hassle. You will be making significant steps in marketing your Airbnb and attracting more people to rent it while on vacation. That means business will be good on your side.

How to make your Airbnb a social media sensation:

Come up with a catchy and memorable name to brand your place.
Post gorgeous, high-quality photos to inspire people and sell your listing.
Form partnerships with local influencers in exchange for cheaper stays in exchange for content.
Become an online ambassador in your area to build a following.
Airbnb Resources

Running an Airbnb is not a walk in the park, especially when marketing it. Nonetheless, you should also think about your clients and what they would want. One of the critical things that people want to do while on vacation is take pictures to remind them of where they have been. That is why you should follow the above tips to ensure your Airbnb is in its best state.

Check out tips on how to get good Airbnb reviews here!


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